Institute of Pharmacy and Molecular Biotechnology Laboratory for phospholipid research

Phospholipid-containing pharmaceutical forms

Phospholipids form the basis for innovative nanoformulations such as liposomes, lipid nanoparticles and micelles. Phospholipids are also contained in cosmetics and food supplements, for example. The research and teaching activities of JunProf Dr. Philipp Uhl's team focus on phospholipid-containing dosage forms. In particular, they focus on carrying out and collaborating on research projects with the aim of translation. This is done in collaboration with numerous university institutions and industrial cooperation partners.

Homepage of the Phospholipid Research Group

Research Topics

Our primary research concept is based on the development of arginine-modified, cell-penetrating transport systems (liposomes, micelles and polymer nanoparticles) to increase the oral bioavailability of macromolecular drugs, to overcome the blood-brain barrier, to transport drugs across the skin barrier and for transfection purposes.

Another research focus is aimed at overcoming the bacterial resistance problem by reactivating already established antibiotics (e.g. vancomycin or daptomycin). To this end, we are developing a conjugation strategy using polycationic (arginine-modified) peptides. The current lead candidate (arginine-modified vancomycin) and its most relevant characteristics are shown in the figure below.