Study Programs
The IPMB is primarily responsible for the Pharmacy (state examination) and Molecular Biotechnology (Bachelor & Master) degree programs. It is therefore part of the Faculty of Engineering. The degree courses provide a very broad-based education in the natural sciences. Members of the IPMB are also involved in courses in chemistry, biology and mathematics.
Around 45 students are accepted onto the Pharmacy course each year. In molecular biotechnology, around 80 and 60 Bachelor's and Master's students respectively start each year. The IPMB focuses on practice-oriented training for students. More information on the individual degree programs can be found on the following pages. For an overview of the modules to be attended, please refer to the module handbooks and the course catalog on heiCO. In addition, the faculties offer information on the course content to make it easier for prospective and new students to get started. Student advisory services are also available to clarify individual questions and offer support in planning your studies.